Signed in as:
Signed in as:
* Graduated from Tuskegee Institute (University)
* Received Master’s Degree in Education from Alabama State University
* Authored the book, The End of An Era, which told the story of black education in Fairfield
* The Fruits of his Labor is his biography written by John B. Davis
* President of Fairfield and Alabama State Teachers Associations
* Omega Chapter
* Graduated from Morehouse College with Bachelor’s Degree with majors in English, Economics and Education
* Served as a sports writer and book reviewer for the Birmingham World in 1934
* Became Managing Editor of paper in 1941
* Served in the Army during World War II
* Well known advocate during the Civil Rights Movement
* Omega Chapter
Read more about Bro. Jackson here
* 1992 Inductee into the National Black College Alumni Hall of Fame
* Established an endowment fund for Talladega College students
* Served as President of the Talladega National Alumni Association
* Omega Chapter
* Alpha Phi Chapter Basileus 1968-70
* First Black appointed to Birmingham Board of Education by the City Council
* 44th Annual Achievement Week winner of the Citizen of the Year Award
* Owner of Kirby Insurance Agency
* Omega Chapter
* Alpha Phi Chapter Basileus 1950-53
* Outstanding radio personality
* Served as State and District Director of Public Relations
* Served as Chapter editor to the Oracle
* Served on the Talent Hunt Committee
* Inducted into the Alabama Jazz Hall of Fame
* Recipient of the National and District 50 year service award
* Charter Member of the Nu Epsilon Chapter (Alabama A&M University) 1948
* Omega Chapter
* Charter Member of Eta Epsilon (Miles College) 1947
* Original Signatory of 864 8th Street West Facility
* Vice Basileus of Alpha Phi
* Chairman of the Accreditation Committee for City of Birmingham
* Served as Principal to several Birmingham City Schools
* Member of Macedonia Baptist Church, Ensley
* Omega Chapter
* Alpha Phi Chapter Basileus 1978-80
* Earned J.D. from Howard University
* One of first 10 Blacks admitted to the Alabama Bar
* One of the lead attorneys for Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr
* Legal Advocate for African Americans during the Civil Rights Movement
* Worked tirelessly on voter registration and voting rights for Blacks in Alabama
* Known for Alabama case Reynold vs Sims – One Man One Vote – 1962
* Omega Chapter
* Received J.D. from Howard University
* First African American to serve in a statewide constitutional office in Alabama history
* Appointed Associate Justice to Alabama Supreme Court in 1980
* Elected to the position in 1982 and 1988
* Retired from the Alabama Supreme Court in 1993
* Alpha Phi Omega Man of the Year 1971
* Omega Chapter
* Army Veteran
* IHQ Life Member #6
* Recipient of the Alpha Phi Superior Service Award in 1988
* Recipient of the Alpha Phi Founders Award in 1990 & 1994
* Served as Alpha Phi Keeper of Finance for 37 consecutive years
* Served as District Auditor from 1989 -1993
* Omega Chapter
* Bachelors of Science and Masters of Education from Alabama State University
* Outstanding Collegiate Football player
* Educator for the Jefferson County Board of Education
* Served as House Chairman of Omega Fraternal Association
* Omega Chapter
* President of Citizens Federal Saving and Loan Association
* Basileus of Alpha Phi Chapter
* Instrumental in the purchase of 864 8th Street West Facility
* Known as an innovator and practitioner of sound business practices
* Widely recognized as leader in the Birmingham community
* Omega Chapter
* Bachelors Degree from Talladega College
* Pursued Masters Degree from Fisk University
* Came from family of educators
* Served as Principal of A. H. Parker High School
* Omega Chapter
* Graduated from Immaculate Catholic High School
* Graduated from Morehouse College
* Served as an Insurance Executive
* Served as 7th District Keeper of Finance
* Omega Chapter
* Initiated in Psi Phi 1948
* Alpha Phi Omega Man of the Year 1976
* IHQ Life Member #3067
* Religious Leader of the Year – 1993
* Served as Alabama State Chaplain
* Anniversary Citation and Pin for 50 years of service 1999
* Omega Chapter
* Initiated into Eta Epsilon in 1952
* B.A. Mathemathics from Miles College 1954
* M.A. Math Education from U.A.B. in 1977
* Educator on Grade School and Collegiate Level
* Basileus of Eta Epsilon and Alpha Phi Chapters
* Founder of the Alpha Phi Hall of Fame in 2000
* Initiated Lambda Epsilon Chapter in 1955
* Negotiated the establishment of Kappa Delta Chapter at U.A.B.
* Past President of The National Alliance of Postal and Federal Employees
* Served as 7th District Chairman of Social Action in 1988
* Only Consecutive 3 term Basileus in the history of Alpha Phi
* Omega Chapter
* Initiated in Eta Epsilon Chapter in 1949
* Received B. A. from Miles
* Received Masters in Education from Alabama State in 1953
* Served as the first Assistant Principal of Hueytown High School
* Held positions of Vice Basileus, Keeper of the Peace, Parliamentarian and Assistant Chaplain
* Omega Chapter
* Graduate of Morehouse College
* President of Alexander and Company General Insurance Agency
* Omega Chapter
* Initiated at Eta Epsilon in 1949
* Received B.A. from Miles College
* Served as the Secretary of Miles College Alumni Association
* Alpha Phi Omega Man of the Year 1979
* Served as Assistant KRS
* Initiated at Eta Epsilon in 1955
* Received B.A. from Miles
* Retired Educator
* Recipient of the Founders Award 1972
* Alpha Phi Omega Man of the Year 2000
* Served as Keeper of Peace and Assistant KRS
* Omega Chapter
* Initiated at Gamma Psi Chapter
* Began teaching at Slater School in 1888
* Became Principal of Cameron Elementary School in 1892
* Became Teacher and Principal at Industrial High School in 1900
* School renamed in his honor in 1939 upon his retirement
* Omega Chapter
* Initiated at Gamma Psi
* Received B.A. from Talladega College in 1929
* Received M.A. from University of Michigan
* Attained Doctor of Philosophy from Western Reserve University in 1952
* Director of English Dept. at Fort Valley State College 1967 – 1976
* Alpha Phi Omega Man of the Year 1989
* Initiated at Nu Epsilon
* Served in the United States Air Force
* Retired from the US Postal Service
* Recipient of the Alpha Phi Founder’s Award
* Served on several committees
* Member of the Tuskegee Airman during World War II
* Received B.A. from Tuskegee in 1945
* Served as President and Vice President of the Smithfield Neighborhood Association
* President of the Fairfield Education Association
* Inducted into the Jazz Hall of Fame in 1982
* Served as KRS for many years
* Named Alpha Phi Omega Man of the Year in 1971
* Business Representative for the Local 256-733 American Federation of Musicians
* Bimingham City School Teacher for 37 years
* 3 time Basileus of Alpha Phi Chapter (1975, 1976, & 1982)
* 1975 Associate Chairperson of the Birmingham – Talladega Area United Negro College Fund Campaign
* 1981 President, Blacks in Government, Inc.
* 1981 thru 1983 President of Board of Directors, Vulcan Kiwanis Club
* 1982 & 2006 “Omega Man of the Year”
* 1983 Superior Service Award
* 1991 Citizen of the Year
President – Birmingham Urban League
* 2008 Omega Psi Phi Fraternity, Inc. Conclave’s Grand Marshall
* 4 time Basileus of Alpha Phi Chapter (1977, 1978, 1986 & 1987)
* 1977 & 1987 “Omega Man of the Year”
* 1979-1980 & 1996-2000 Alabama State Representative for Omega Psi Phi Fraternity, Inc.
* 1983-1984 Alabama State Director of Public Relations for Omega Psi Phi Fraternity, Inc.
* 1989 Who’s Who of Greater Birmingham honoree
* 1990 & 1994 Superior Service Award
* 1992 District Director of Recommendations – 7thDistrict of Omega Psi Phi Fraternity, Inc.
* Initiate Psi Chapter – Spring 1965
* Denied admission to Talladega College (home of Gamma Psi)
* Graduated Magna Cum Laude – Morehouse College
* 4th Black to be accepted to the UAB School of Medicine
* Board Certified in Internal Medicine
* Clinical Director of the UAB Emergency Department
* Established many Level I trauma centers in Alabama
* President of the Alabama Chapter of the American College of Emergency Physicians
* Assistant Professor of Medicine at UAB
* 38 year member of Alpha Phi Chapter
* Basileus of Alpha Phi Chapter
* Other Alpha Phi Offices held include: Vice Basileus, Chaplin, Keeper of the Peace
* Help charter Kappa Delta Chapter (U.A.B) of Omega Psi Phi Fraternity, Incorporated
* Recipient of several Service Medals – Vietnam Campaign
* 1977 Kappa Delta Pi Honor Society in Education Inductee
* 1987 Dedicated Service Award recipient
* 1988 Outstanding Leadership Award –
Alabama Association of Multicultural Counseling
* 1989 Educational Leader of the Year
* 1998 Omega Man of the Year * 1999 Founder’s Award recipient
* 2002 Scroll of Honor Award recipient
* Initiated at Nu Epsilon Chapter, Alabama A&M University in Spring 1967
* Held office of Dean of Pledges for two years Alpha Phi Chapter, Birmingham, Al
* Held office of Basileus
* Chaired budget committee
* Chairman of Omega Fraternal Association
* Alabama State Representative 1974- 1980
* Rho Alpha Chapter, Mobile, Al
Chairman of the Board
See-It-Through Foundation
* 7th District Corporate Chair of 75th Grand Conclave
* 39th Grand Basileus Candidate
* Assistant Dean – University of Alabama School of Medicine
2001 – present: Best Doctors in America honoree
* National Association of Veterans Affairs Chiefs of Nuclear Medicine
Member (1986 – present )
President (1993 – 1994)
* A.G. Gaston Boys Club, Board of Directors, Member
* University Management Council Representative - NCAA
* Alabama Oversight Commission on Sickle Cell Disease
* Vice Chair (1998 – 2001)
* 2007 Alabama Athletic Training Board of Directors
* Boys Scouts of America, Birmingham Central District, Board of Directors
* Several Published Works Including:
22 Manuscripts
8 Abstracts
Co-author of 5 books
* 2 Term Basileus of Alpha Phi Chapter (1991-1993)
* Omega Man of the Year (1991)
* State of Alabama Counselor (1994-1999)
* 7th District Counselor ( 1994-1999)
* 1996 Superior Service Award (Alpha Phi Chapter)
* Presidential Superior Service Award (OSBF-1997)
* Award of Merit – Alpha Phi Chapter (1998)
* Charter Member of the Omega Scholarship and Benevolence Fund (OSBF)
* 2004 Omega Founder’s Award (Alpha Phi Chapter)
* 7th District Rules Committee Chair (Current)
* State of Alabama Rules Committee Chair (Current)
* 40 Year Award (Grand Conclave 2008)
* Board of Directors – F.O.C.U.S.
* Board of Directors – Children’s Dance Foundation
* 1989 Founders’ Award Recipient
* 1991 Omega Fraternal Association Man of the Year
* 1991 Omega Psi Phi Certificate of Merit Recipient
* 1991 Omega Fraternal Association Special Award Recipient
* 1996 25 Years of Distinguished Service Award Recipient
* 1999 Distinguished Service Award Recipient
* Appreciation for Services Rendered to establish Kappa Delta Chapter (UAB Campus) Recipient
* Assisted in chartering Daniel Payne Chapter
* Served two terms as Chairman of Fraternal Organization, Alpha Phi Chapter
* Keeper of Peace (1980, 1990, and 1991)
* Chairman of First Annual Omega Walk-A-Thon
* 2008 National Conclave Transportation Committee Chairman
* Assistant Dean of Education (1971-1972)
* Dean of Education (1972-1974)
* Initiated into Alpha Phi Chapter, Omega Psi Phi Fraternity, Inc.. in 1984
* 2 time Basileus of Alpha Phi Chapter
* Former Omega Fraternal Association House Chairman
* Former State of Alabama Keeper of Records and Seal
* Former Assistant Keeper of Finance of Alpha Phi Chapter
* Former Omega Man of the Year Award Recipient
* Former Superior Service Award Recipient
* Former Meritorious Award Recipient
* Born February 29th 1952 in Birmingham, Alabama
* Attended E.J. McCaw Elementary School
* Graduated Western Olin High School 1970 in Birmingham Alabama
* Bachelor Degree in Industrial Management 1975 from Auburn University
* MBA (Masters in Business Administration) 1982 from Samford University
* Initiated into Omega Psi Phi Fraternity, Inc. May 19th 1972
* Charter Member of Sigma Delta Undergraduate Chapter Auburn University
* Vice-Basileus of Sigma Delta Chapter 1972
* Basileus of Sigma Delta Chapter 1972
* 2nd Vice- State Representative of Alabama 1973 -1974
* Alpha Phi Chapter of Omega Psi Phi Fraternity, Inc. Offices and Committees
* Omega Fraternal Association
* Omega Scholarship and Benevolent Fund
* Vice-Basileus of Alpha Phi Chapter 1998-2000
* Basileus of Alpha Phi Chapter 2000-2002
* Alabama State Representative 2002-2005
* Executive Director of Omega Psi Phi Fraternity, Inc. 2006 -2011
* International Offices and Committees
* International Social action Committee Chairman 2002-2004
* International Civic Affairs Committee Chairman 2004-2006
* Initiated November 1971 Rho Gamma
* Keeper of Peace Alpha Phi 1990-94
* Basileus Alpha Phi 1994-96
* Superior Service Award 2000
* Omega Man of the Year 1996
* Dedicated Service Award 7th District 1995
* Speaker at the 72nd Grand Conclave Charlotte 2002
* KRS of Alpha Phi Chapter (1947)
* Basileus of Alpha Phi Chapter (1949)
* 7th District KRS (1937,1947)
* Grand KRS (1949)
* Birmingham Negro Business League Parliamentarian
* Appointed by Governor Dixon to attend a Race Leaders Meeting in Philadelphia (1941)
* General Manager Jones Valley Finance Company
* Omega Chapter
* Charter Member of Alpha Phi
* KRS of Alpha Phi (1930 – 1934)
* Served on 21st Conclave Committee in Durham, NC
* Secretary of Birmingham Chapter of NAACP (1920 -1942)
* President of Mineral District Medical Society
* Omega Chapter
* Initiated into Alpha Phi Chapter, Omega Psi Phi Fraternity, Inc. in 1973
* Keeper of Peace Alpha Phi
* Chairman of Serving Committee
* 41 years as an Educator with Birmingham City Schools
* 40 years as a Coach of various sports
* 40 years as an Official on the High School and Collegiate Levels
* Born in Florence Alabama
* Graduate of Fisk University
* Graduate of Meharry Medical College
* Practiced Medicine in Birmingham for 42 years
* Grand Medical Examiner for the Masonic Lodge for 20 years
* Served on the 21st Conclave Committee
* Basileus of Alpha Phi 1929 – (6 Term Basileus)
* Omega Chapter
* Initiated into Eta Epsilon Chapter, Omega Psi Phi Fraternity, Inc. in 1970
* 2nd Vice District Representative 1972-1973
* Advisor to Eta Epsilon Chapter for 12 years
* Basileus Alpha Phi Chapter 2009-2010
* 35 years as a volunteer Coach of youth sports at A.G. Gaston Boys and Girls Club
* Member 6th Avenue Baptist Church
* Employed as Human Resources Professional with Alabama Power for 37 years
* Married to Phyllis Ross
* Initiated into Beta Epsilon Chapter, Omega Psi Phi Fraternity, Inc. in 1976
* Basileus of Kappa Delta
* Chairman of Social Action Committee
* Chairman of Economic Development Committee
* Basileus of Alpha Phi Chapter 1992 & 1993
* Grand Marshal of the 75th Grand Conclave
* Employed with Coca Cola Bottling Company for over 39 years
* Married to Vanessa Falls
* Initiated into Xi Chapter, Omega Psi Phi Fraternity, Inc. in 1968
* Served in the U.S. Air Force
* Served as Director of the Birmingham Civil Rights Institute for 16 years and developed Oral History Project
* Editor of the 1st book published by the Civil Rights Institute titled “Black Workers Struggle for Equality in Birmingham”
* Retired Professor from UAB specializing in African, African American and Labor History
* Married to the former Barbara Young
* Initiated into Alpha Phi Chapter, Omega Psi Phi Fraternity, Inc. in 2001
* BS in Business Finance from Auburn University
* Masters in Public and Private Management from Birmingham Southern College
* Basileus of Alpha Phi
* KRS of Alpha Phi
* KRS of State of Alabama
* Alabama State History and Archives Chairman
* Married to former Willie Anderson
* Initiated into Eta Psi Chapter, Omega Psi Phi Fraternity, Inc. in 1975
* Served in the US Navy
* BS (Magna Cum Laude) in Chemistry from Fisk University
* DMD in General Dentistry from UAB
* President of the Board of Dental Examiners for the state of Alabama
* CEO and Founder of West Princeton Dental Clinic
* Married to the former Diane Dixon
* Initiated into Sigma Phi, Omega Psi Phi Fraternity, Inc. in 1964
* Master of Divinity from Interdenominational Theological Center
* Doctor of Jurisprudence from Miles Law School
* Assistant Director of Upward Bound Program at Alabama State
* 12th President of Miles College 1989 - 2005
* Married to the Emma Lillian Lee
* Omega Chapter
* Initiated into Eta Epsilon Chapter, Omega Psi Phi Fraternity, Inc. in 1967
* Served in the U.S. Air Force 1962-66
* B.A. from Miles College 1970
* M.A. from Miami University 1971
* Ph.D. University of Alabama 1980
* J.D. Birmingham School of Law 1994
* Assistant Professor and Administrator, School of Health Professionals - UAB
* Birmingham District 8 Councilor – 1997-1999
* Mayor City of Birmingham 1999-2007
* Initiated into Alpha Phi Chapter, Omega Psi Phi Fraternity, Inc. in 1975
* President of Alabama A&M Booster Club, Birmingham Chapter
* Past President of Alabama A&M National Alumni Association
* Appointed to Alabama A&M Board of Trustees in May 2017
* Former Alabama State Keeper of Finance
* President of Fairfield City Council
* Married to the Lila Hackett
* Initiated into Nu Epsilon Chapter, Omega Psi Phi Fraternity, Inc. in 1971
* Assistant Chaplain Alpha Phi
* Chaplain Alpha Phi
* Past Region II MSP Chair
* Chair of the Omega Chorale
* Chair of the Chapter Welfare Committee
* Chair of the Salvation Army Ringing of the Bell Committee
* Presidential Commendation for educating and assisting people enrolling in Affordable Health Care Program
* Married to Ronnie Turner
* Initiated into Eta Epsilon Chapter, Omega Psi Phi Fraternity, Inc. in 1966
* Keeper of Finance Alpha Phi
* Omega Fraternal Association Trustee
* First Baptist Church Fairfield Financial Secretary
* Miles College Booster Club Treasurer
* Fairfield Industrial High Alumni Association Treasurer
* Married to Merlyn Hughes
* Initiated into Nu Epsilon Chapter, Omega Psi Phi Fraternity, Inc. in 1974
* Assistant Chaplain Alpha Phi
* Chaplain Alpha Phi
* Vice Basileus Alpha Phi
* Retired Captain of Birmingham Fire Department with 27 years of service
* Deacon Mount Pilgrim Baptist Church
* First Black to serve as Special Liaison to the Governor of Alabama
* Initiated into Alpha Phi Chapter, Omega Psi Phi Fraternity, Inc. in 1977
* BS (Magna Cum Laude) from Alabama A&M
* JD Birmingham School of Law
* Alpha Phi Keeper of Peace
* Served on the board of Omega Scholarship and Benevolence Fund
* 18 years as Educator and Coach with Birmingham City Schools
* 19 years as a Manager and Labor Relations Specialist with Alabama Education Association
* Married to Shirley Hodges Todd
* Initiated into Alpha Phi Chapter, Omega Psi Phi Fraternity, Inc. in 1982
* Alpha Phi Chapter KRS
* Served on the Grand Conclave Planning Committee
* Chair of the State of Alabama Rules Committee
* Retired from Bell South as a Staff Manager
* Principal Attorney at Omega Law
* Married to Debora Carter Mayes
* Initiated into Alpha Phi Chapter, Omega Psi Phi Fraternity, Inc. in 1982
* Alpha Phi Chapter Vice Basileus and Basileus
* Served as Achievement Week Chairman
* Served on the Finance Committee
* Retired from Blue Cross Blue Shield
* Worked as Medicaid Commissioner under Governor Folsom
* Operated Toney and Associates
* Married to Joyce Marie Toney